Blog #21: Podcast Reflection

Over time, language has played an important yet complicated role in my life. It impacts how every person sees, hears, thinks, and most importantly communicates with others. Without it, life would be vastly more complicated. Without it, communication would be nearly impossible across cultures and ages. Language helps to bring people together, especially when learning … [Read more…]

Blog #19

Overall, I wanted to revise my paper using some tools from They say / I say. Luckily, chapter eleven was all about using multiple tools and strategies from the whole book to revise my paper to be a truly college-level essay. Chapter eleven basically walked me through each and every process one should go through … [Read more…]

Peer Review #3

I tried a bunch of different ways but it would not work when I tried to upload a pdf of my comments and the essay, so I just included a link to it! I think this essay is a great start, but it also has a lot of room for improvement. The thesis is … [Read more…]

Blog #18

For my brainstorming session, I did a free write. I did more of a stream of consciousness, that revolved around my paper because I was hesitant to find an idea of what I really wanted to write about. I did a free write for about 15 minutes, but it went on for pretty long so … [Read more…]

Blog #17

In his article “Battling the Mental Illness Stigma”, Michael Wyskiel discusses how mental illness is oftentimes a hard subject to talk about. He begs the question of why is it, why do we prefer to keep it secretive or pretend that it does not exist in the first place. He references numerous statistics of mental … [Read more…]

Blog #16

Naysayer paragraph: At this point in the argument, it is important to recognize the other side. Is the concept that the arts must and can be completely integrated into the sciences, realistic in today’s world? Just because only the only ideas discussed so far is the benefits of having the two disciplines intertwined, it does … [Read more…]

Blog #15

TREAC Paragraph: The introduction of the arts into the scientific field would be very beneficial to gain empathy, among other important skills. Empathy is the most important skill one can gain from the arts, but can rarely be gained through the sciences. Yo-Yo Ma explains this in his essay, mentioning “To be able to put … [Read more…]

Blog #14

My annotating skills have improved over time as the semester has gone on. I feel like I annotate in a way that helps me remember what is important, or interesting. I also think it helps me to explain confusing things in my own words, and in that way when I read again I will understand … [Read more…]

Blog #13

I chose my final draft of our first essays, about the power of metaphors. Instead of underlining, I highlighted whenever there was repetition, transition words, or key terms/phrases. Already looking back on that first essay I feel like my writing skill has improved. A few patterns were definitely the repetition of key phrases and ideas … [Read more…]

Blog #12

My free draft for this essay on personal narratives had a lot of good to it, but also a lot of room for improvement. I feel while my thesis or position was solid, I definitely know that by specifying my argument even more it can be better. This goes for my topic sentences as well. … [Read more…]